viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

My experience with english

First of all, I have to say that I have a special relation with English language. This is because this kind of language has had a big imprint in my family. My father and my mother live for several years on a country where English is the first language: Canada. After that, my mother became an English teacher, until nowadays. My father and my sister are brilliant dominants of this language. And, in my case, the situation is the opposite. I don’t have an accurate management about English. I really don’t like to learn new languages. And also, and just because my family is very near to English language, for a while – especially in mi adolescence- I hate it.
Today, I have compulsory English classes. If it were my personal option, probably I never take this class. This doesn’t mean that I think that English it’s awful or unnecessary. Indeed, in my opinion, English language it’s very useful because it is an indispensable tool for the social life today, allow open new horizons for the mind and the relationships. And in special for the people that love travel, like me.
So, ¿why I say that if it were my option, I’ll never take English classes? Well, this is because I think that the obligatory staffs don’t have good results, including language learning. When I was younger, I hate that my family spoke English on my house and my face. I felt that they wanted that I do the same, at any price. Because I was on my teenage time, don’t speak English was a reveal way from my mother (at that time my father doesn’t live anymore with me). By the same time, I had English classes on school. That experience was more fun (because I was with my classmates), but in the deep of my heart I don’t like it for nothing.
Nowadays, being in university, I think that the compulsory classes might do not exist. English is the unique obligatory subject in my career (Anthropology), and that is bad for a better learning. I believe that if you want to really learn a language, you have to take that option by yourself. You need a lot of time to study. It’s not useful have classes only once a week (like my case); you need to practice all the days of the week. And for the students that’s very difficult, because we have a lot of others subject. That’s way I will take English classes in an institute when I finish my career.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

Faculty facilities

The general situation of my faculty is rather bad than good. There are serious problems with the infrastructure in general and the implements for the students. The building have some failures. The reason for this situation is the fact that this faculty doesn’t have too much money, in comparison with others like Economic and business faculty (FEN) and Medicine faculty.
For example, the different problems are:
- Students don’t have any lockers. We need lockers, because we always are with a books, notebooks, laptops, exercise clothes, etcetera.
- The library doesn’t have all the kind of book that the students need. Sometimes you have to go to other libraries faculty, other times the book doesn’t exist in all the university.
- There is not available a student study room. This year, the authorities decided that the casino, before and after of lunch time, becomes in study room. I think that this situation is untenable, because is a express and easy solution that doesn’t reflect real preoccupation.
- Sometimes there are problems with the computer rooms, because when there is some class happening in there, some people run out of computer.
- The amount of print’s paper is too low. Many times I have to go to other universality and places to can print all the stuff that the teachers give to ass.
- Some toilets units don’t work, making all the room very dirty. The same happens with the wash basin. Not always there is toilet paper.
- There are not available ramps for disabled people. I think that this situation is terrible for a Social Science faculty, a place that, in theory, worries about minorities.