viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

The best in Anthropology

In first place, I have to say that it¡s very difficult to me to choose only one researcher of my field.
But If I have to make tis choice, I will choose Marvin Harris. I know this anthropologist in a curse about cultural materialism that I have in my career about 2 years ago.
Marvin Harris was an american anthropologist (from EEUU). He was born in New York on 1927 and died on 2001. He is very importan for the Anthropoloy because he introduced the topic called "Cultural materialism". In his work he combined Marx emphasis on the forces of production with Malthus insights on the impact of demographic factors on other parts of the sociocultural system. Harris see these factors are determining the social structure of a society. He has focused on the relations between culture and ecology, and the way that the first are influenced by the second. Moreover, Harris has been write about the development of the anthropology theory, in a classic book The Rise of Anthropological Theory .
I like Harris because he introduced a new perspective about the culture. Generally, the culture is understood under a symbolic perspective, in terms of symbols and meanings. Harris, in opposition, think that the explication of the cultural fenomenom it is on the ecological variables, like population, production, technology and others. That because he formulating a materialist explanation for the treatment of “sacred cows” in Indian culture, talking about the proteins of the cows.

1 comentario:

  1. Natalia,
    I had the chance of reading a little about this anthropologist and I think his ideas are very enlightening and easy to understand.
    Congratulations on your effort to write original posts.
    Please study these notes so that you can continue improving your English:

    a) When you want to say something like: ‘Para empezar’, , ‘En primer lugar’, etc. you can use: In the first place, First, Firstly, First of all. Then you contiunue: Secondly, in the second place, etc. ; In the third place, third, thirdly. ; Besides, Also, Furthermore, Moreover, Further, In addition, In addition to that, etc

    b) When you want to express something like: Me cuesta/ Me resulta fácil/difícil/et. hacer algo = Para (mí/él/nosotros, etc.) es (fácil/difícil/etc.) hacer una cosa, use this pattern: For me/him/us it’s easy/hard/difficult/ to explain/understand/... Ex. For me it’s complicated to correct more than 50 posts each week.

    c) Para decir: Supe de...., we say: I knew about...

    d) Use Simple past (Ex. went, saw, took, studied,decided) whenever you use: ....ago / last ..... /yesterday/ When I was....

    e) Compare: “He wrote...”= He did something in the past / “He has been writing”= He wrote, he is writing and he will possibly continue writing.

    The best in Anthropology
    In THE first place, I have to say that it ¡s very difficult FOR me to choose only one researcher IN my field AS THE BEST/AS THE ONE I LIKE THE MOST.
    But If I have to make A choice, I will choose Marvin Harris. I kNEW ABOUT this anthropologist in a cOurse about Cultural Materialism that I haD in my career about 2 years ago.
    Marvin Harris was an american anthropologist (from EEUU). He was born in New York on 1927 and died In 2001. He is very importanT IN (/) Anthropoloy because he introduced the topic called "Cultural materialism". In his work he combined Marx’S emphasis on the forces of production with Malthus insights on the impact of demographic factors on other parts of the sociocultural system. Harris sAW these factors are AS determining the social structure of a society. He (/) focused on the relations between culture and ecology, and the way that the first are influenced by the second. Moreover, Harris WROTE about the development of the anthropology theory, in a classic book The Rise of Anthropological Theory .
    I like Harris because he introduced a new perspective about (/) culture. Generally, (/) culture is understood under a symbolic perspective, in terms of symbols and meanings. Harris, in opposition, thinkS that the EXPLANation of the cultural PHenomenom (/) is on the ecological variables, like population, production, technology and others. That’S because he formulatED a materialistIC explanation for the treatment of “sacred cows” in THE Indian culture, talking about the proteins of the cows/SAYING THAT COWS ARE CONSIDERED TO BE SACRED GIVEN THAT THEY ARE BENEFICIAL .
