viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

My blog experience

In first place, I have to say that I had never had a blog before. Because of this, it was a new experience. It was difficult to me, because I don’t have the habit to writ posts. Also, it took me a lot of hard to write in English, because a long time ago that I don’t did this. I want to explain a lot of things, but I don’t find the correct words. That is one of the reasons that have a blog it was not a enjoy experience. But the way, and because the same reason, it was something good to improve my English level. Sometimes I think that my writing hability it’s the worst. So, have a blog it a good way to improve it.

In other way, I think that the information including in some posts was very similar. More that one time I write “Medical Anthropoloy”, because I have to answer question relation with mi career. But in general, I like the topics of the post. The most I like was when I answer “A photo that I like.” In that case, I learn a lot of new words to talk about that.

Finally, in conclusion, it was more the better than the worst in my experience of have a blog. Today I can say that I know how to use one. And, the more important, I learned to say a lot of phrases and words in the correct way.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2009

My favorite subject

My favorite subject this term is Qualitative methodology. The reason I like it is because this subject give me a body of knowledge that it’s very important for my formation like a social scientist. In qualitative methodology I had learn about two techniques: Life history and Focus group. The first it is refers to the biography of some person. In the other hand and the second it is refers to a group conversation. Booth of them are very important, because they give as direct information about what people think and what they do. It give as a particular information about the problematic of the subjectivity, that is very important for all the anthropologist all around the world. Also, this subject gives me a theoretical approach about the methodological phenomenas involved on the social investigation process, so is very complete and very useful-

viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

Because I am studying Anthropology, my wish is to work in this area. So, I would like to work as an ethnographer. At ethnographic work means that I would have to travel to many different societies and cultures around the world, with the view to increase the anthropological knowledge.
To do this job, I would have to be open to adaptation to different places where I will be. It is very important that I need to bee empathic with the people. Also, for this job I have to record all the information around me. So, I would need to be able to take pictures, have a field diary, and have conversations with lot of people.
I am good at writing, so I will be able to record in a good way the information. I am very emphatic with people that I don’t know before. I am a sociable person, so I will be good to get closer to the people.
Sincerely, I think that I never will find this job. It's a utopian idea, because today doesn’t exist to much people that are interested to pay this kind of work.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

My future

In first place, I have to say that I have a lot of plans, that I think that maybe I don't have time to make al the things that I want to do. Or maybe I'll achieve my goals, but I will not have the youth and the strength for that.
One of my goals is to continue with my studies out of Chile. I would like to take a postgraduate on Medical Anthropology, maybe in Mexico.
I don’t want to die before visiting two countries: Australia and Egypt. So I hope to have money to travel to those places. However, soon I'm going to travel, but to an other place. I’m going to visit Easter Island (Rapa Nui).
In five years I imagine my self single and without children. I would like to have a big house for my own. I want a big house because my dream is to have a lot of animals, specially street dogs, picked up from the sreet.