viernes, 24 de abril de 2009

Anthropology website

Today I will talk about a website related to mi career. I choose, because I think that is a very complete website. It is about news of Anthropoly and Archeology in Latin america.
I know Naya because this site send regularly mails to mi adrees curse mail. That because someone of mi classmates registered on the website.
I read more the mails of this website that the orginal link. Actually, de mails are a resume of the information that appear. How I say on the beaginning, it is a webiste about news, so the mails that they send are actualizated. The website send the mails regularly, like once a month, so that its when I reed the news. However, I like in particular a seccion of the website. This is I like this link because it is about Medical Anthropology, an area of the Anthropology that I like very much. This website is interisting because have a lot of articles about that.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Mi favourite piece of techology: MP3-MP4 player

In the world of techology, there is a lot of things that I like. But, If I have choose one, i'm sure that i will choose the MP3 or MP4. That it's because i'm a fanatic of the music. Without Music, the world will be very boring!!!
If you don't know, the MP3 or MP4 player are a portable media players that reproduce some audio and video formats
Like five years ago i got my first player. It was a present of my mother.
In the presente, I use muy player every day. When I close the door of my house, inmediatally I put mi headphones and start to listen to music. The place that I love more to use my player is on the bus and the subway, to make more confortable mi trip whetever place I go. I hate listen to babes criying, beepings, cell rigtones, screames, etcétera.
I love it because its very small, so it is very easy to transport every where with you (in the rugsag, in the handbag, in a pocket... wherever you want!).
Hello boys and girls.

Today I will introduce my self, because its the first time in my life that I have a blog.
Mi name is Natalia Jofré Poblete. I'm 21 years old. Actually i' m studing Social Anthropology, in two years aprox. I will finish this .

I'm glad to have this blog because it is an oprtunity to put in practice mi english. Generally i listen words and phrases in english, but rarely i have the time to write in this lenguaje. Thats why this blog will help me to learn new words and tha correct ways for writting in english, working like a expresion tool.