viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


Hello everyone!
In a very first time, I hated Transantiago. That was because in the moment that Transantiago was implemented, I was living in La Reina, a neighborhood with a bad public transfer. If before Transantiago I have different bus routes, after I had only one!
But today, I live in another part of Santiago. I live in Ñuñoa, near to Irarrázaval, so I have a diversity of bus routes that cross this avenue.
I think that Transantiago is better than the pre-Transantiago system in only one thing. This thing is the BIP target. I think that it is an easy way to pay, because it’s faster and comfortable to transport. And, the better thing is that with one passage you can make more than one travel.
However, I think that Transantiago it is a bad system. The worst thing that it have it is that it doesn’t have coordination between buses. Because of this, sometimes you have to wait almost a half an hour, and sometimes they past one after other.
The last thing that I say it’s the first change that I will do if I could. The second one it is about the bus stop. I see on the street that they are very badly done, because some of them are very big for only one bus, and other are to small for a lot of bus routes.

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